What Is Pudendal Neuralgia: Common Nerve Pain Causes and Symptoms

What Is Pudendal Neuralgia: Common Nerve Pain Causes and Symptoms

Posted on November 1st, 2023

Welcome to the Lotus Physical Therapy for Women, PLLC blog, a sanctuary for women's health located in the scenic town of Orangeburg. 

Today, we delve into a topic that is of significant importance to many of our clients: pudendal neuralgia, a condition that, while not widely discussed, impacts the lives of countless women as well as men. 

Pudendal neuralgia is a form of nerve pain that can be perplexing and challenging to live with. It occurs when the pudendal nerve, responsible for sensation in the pelvic region, is irritated or compressed. 

This condition can lead to discomfort and pain that often goes unrecognized or misdiagnosed. 

Understanding the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments is crucial in managing this condition. 

Through this blog post, we aim to shed light on this neuralgia, empowering women with knowledge and highlighting the supportive treatments available. 

Our commitment at Lotus is to guide you toward a pain-free life with the utmost care and expertise.

Understanding Pudendal Nerve Pain

Before diving into the specifics of pudendal neuralgia, it's important to understand the pudendal nerve's role in the female body. 

This nerve is the main conduit of sensation to the external genitalia and surrounding pelvic structures. It plays a pivotal role in a range of bodily functions, from urinary and bowel movements to sexual sensation. When this nerve is functioning properly, it remains unnoticed. However, when issues arise, it can affect many aspects of a woman's life, leading to a condition known as pudendal neuralgia.

Defining Pudendal Nerve Pain

Pudendal nerve pain is a condition that can emerge from various activities or underlying health issues. It is characterized by chronic discomfort or pain in the pelvic region, which can manifest in several ways and might be intermittent or constant. Understanding this pain is the first step towards a comprehensive approach to treatment and management. 

At Lotus Physical Therapy, we recognize the complexity of pudendal nerve pain and the distress it can cause. Our goal is to provide insight and understanding into this condition, ensuring that every woman who walks through our doors feels heard and supported.

Symptoms of Pudendal Nerve Pain

Pudendal nerve pain can be elusive, often mistaken for other conditions due to the variety of symptoms it presents. In this section, we'll explore the indicators of this neuralgia, providing clarity to those who may be suffering in silence. Recognizing the symptoms is a crucial step in seeking appropriate care and treatment. At Lotus Physical Therapy for Women, PLLC, we understand that each woman's experience is unique, and we are here to listen and to help identify the signs of pudendal neuralgia.

Identifying Common Symptoms

The symptoms of pudendal nerve pain are as diverse as the women affected by it. Commonly, individuals may experience sensations such as burning, aching, or stabbing pain in the pelvic area, which can extend to the genital region. These symptoms may be exacerbated by sitting for long periods or during sexual activity, bowel movements, or even while performing routine tasks. 

The intermittent nature of the pain can make it particularly challenging to diagnose and manage, as it may come and go without warning. At Lotus Physical Therapy, recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards developing a personalized care plan for relief.

Causes Behind Pudendal Nerve Pain

Understanding the origins of pudendal nerve pain is essential for effective treatment. This section will delve into the various factors that can contribute to the development of this debilitating condition. With this knowledge, we can better tailor our therapeutic approaches to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Exploring the Roots of Pain

The causes of pudendal nerve pain are as multifaceted as the symptoms themselves. Potential triggers include childbirth, pelvic surgery, repetitive strain from activities like cycling, or even accidents that lead to pelvic trauma. Pudendal nerve pain during pregnancy is also not uncommon, as the weight and position of the fetus can place additional stress on the nerve. 

In some cases, the exact cause remains unknown, which underscores the importance of a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional specializing in pelvic health. At Lotus Physical Therapy for Women, our expertise in women's health provides the foundation for a nuanced understanding of these causes and the development of effective treatment strategies.

Locating Pudendal Nerve Pain

Pinpointing the exact location of pudendal nerve pain is a critical aspect of diagnosis and treatment. This section aims to guide women in identifying the areas where pudendal nerve pain may be felt, demystifying the condition and providing a clearer path to understanding and relief. With Lotus Physical Therapy's expertise, women can learn to listen to their bodies and articulate their pain, facilitating better communication with healthcare providers.

Pain Location and Differential Diagnosis

Pudendal nerve pain location can vary, often mimicking other types of pelvic or back pain. It's commonly experienced in the areas between the anus and the clitoris or penis, including the perineum, vulva, and urethra. Some may feel it in the lower back region, leading to the misconception that it's standard back pain. This misdirection can delay proper treatment, highlighting the importance of specialized knowledge in diagnosing pudendal neuralgia. 

At Lotus Physical Therapy, we emphasize the importance of an accurate diagnosis, which is the cornerstone of effective treatment, ensuring that each woman receives the personalized care necessary for her specific condition.

Treatment and Relief for Pudendal Nerve Pain

Finding effective treatment and relief for pudendal nerve pain is paramount for those affected by this condition. In this section, we discuss various therapeutic approaches that can help alleviate the discomfort associated with pudendal neuralgia. While we focus on the benefits of physical therapy, we also understand the importance of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include other modalities.

Non-Surgical Approaches to Management

For many, pudendal nerve pain treatment does not necessitate surgical intervention. Non-invasive therapies, including physical therapy, can offer significant relief. Physical therapy, in particular, can be tailored to address individual symptoms and may include manual therapy, biofeedback, or modalities to improve pelvic floor function and reduce nerve irritation. 

Pudendal nerve pain relief also extends to lifestyle modifications and education on pain management strategies. At Lotus Physical Therapy, we pride ourselves on providing a holistic approach to treatment, empowering our clients with the knowledge and support they need to manage their symptoms effectively.

Emphasizing Specialized Physical Therapy

As a leading provider of specialized physical therapy for women, Lotus Physical Therapy for Women, PLLC, takes pride in offering services that address the unique needs of women with pudendal neuralgia. We understand that each woman's journey with pudendal nerve pain is personal, and we are committed to crafting individualized treatment plans that encompass a range of therapeutic options for relief. Our approach is rooted in compassion and expertise, with a focus on improving quality of life for every client we serve.


Pudendal neuralgia, with its array of symptoms and causes, can be a complex and distressing condition, but it doesn't have to define your life. At Lotus Physical Therapy for Women, PLLC, we are committed to providing personalized care that empowers women to overcome the challenges of nerve pain. With our specialized knowledge and compassionate approach, we help women find relief and regain control of their well-being.

We invite you to reach out and discover the supportive and nurturing environment we've cultivated for women facing pudendal neuralgia. Our specialized physical therapy services are designed with your unique health needs in mind. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at (845) 517 5100 or via email at [email protected]. We are here to guide you towards healing and comfort.

How Can I Help You?

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, inquiries, or if you're ready to embark on a journey towards improved well-being. Your path to holistic health and vitality starts here. I am here to provide you with personalized guidance, answer your queries, and assist you in taking the next steps on your transformative journey.